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Active your Chakras with a Fusion Yoga for great strength for neck and shoulders.

Today we learn Suryanamaskar with a little bit of variation from Parvatasana which in the 9th pose you transit to Chakrasana (wheel pose)
In order to have a smooth transition into this Flow, practicing yoga sequences for the neck and shoulder strength is a great option,

We all know the benefits of Suryanamaskar, however transiting form one pose to wheel pose can be challenging, and if you looking at some core strengthening and calorie burner workouts, then this transition may help you do so.

Chakrasana can introduce our conscious awareness to the chakras—clusters of dormant energies that give chakrasana its name.

Far more than making the body wheel-shaped, chakrasana can introduce our conscious awareness to the chakras—clusters of dormant energies that give chakrasana its name. Eventually, using the power of breath, mind, and mantra, we attain a direct realization of the chakras and their latent energies. In the esoteric tradition of hatha yoga, chakrasana creates a bridge between six chakras. In the tradition of kundalini yoga, it bridges seven chakras; and in the tradition of Sri Vidya, it links nine chakras in one continuous flow of consciousness.

So Suryanamaskar followed by this dynamic transition is going to get you and your chakras completely rejuvenated.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Vishal

    Wow amazing

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